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宏命令判断检测 SDK 版本


有时我们在写代码时需要考虑到队友 (使用者) 的 SDK 编译版本, 否则就得让他们忍受编译错误的苦果


将这些写进代码后, 使用老 SDK / IDE 的人就得忍受编译错误的痛苦. 这样的体验无疑是令人招烦的, 当然你可以强迫让他更换匹配的平台.




表示 macOS


表示 iOS



值等于Deployment Target, 检查支持的最小系统版本.


等于Base SDK, 即用于检查 SDK 版本的



// 这里的数字 100100 是 iOS 10.1 , 比如 12.2 就是 120200
// 这里的数字 101301 是 macOS 10.13.1 , 比如 10.14.4 就是 101404


        An enum available on the phone, but not available on Mac OS X:
                enum { myEnum = 1 };
           Note: this works when targeting the Mac OS X platform because 
           __IPHONE_OS_VERSION_MIN_REQUIRED is undefined which evaluates to zero. 

        An enum with values added in different iPhoneOS versions:
			enum {
			    myX  = 1,	// Usable on iPhoneOS 2.1 and later
			    myY  = 2,	// Usable on iPhoneOS 3.0 and later
			    myZ  = 3,	// Usable on iPhoneOS 3.0 and later
		      Note: you do not want to use #if with enumeration values
			  when a client needs to see all values at compile time
			  and use runtime logic to only use the viable values.

    It is also possible to use the *_VERSION_MIN_REQUIRED in source code to make one
    source base that can be compiled to target a range of OS versions.  It is best
    to not use the _MAC_* and __IPHONE_* macros for comparisons, but rather their values.
    That is because you might get compiled on an old OS that does not define a later
    OS version macro, and in the C preprocessor undefined values evaluate to zero
    in expresssions, which could cause the #if expression to evaluate in an unexpected
            // code only compiled when targeting Mac OS X and not iPhone
            // note use of 1050 instead of __MAC_10_5
            #if __MAC_OS_X_VERSION_MIN_REQUIRED < 1050
                // code in here might run on pre-Leopard OS
                // code here can assume Leopard or later