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PlistBuddy 命令行解析 Plist 工具详解



PlistBuddy 是 macOS 系统携带的解析 Plist 文件的好帮手, 如其名.





Usage: PlistBuddy [-cxh]

​ -c “<command>” execute command, otherwise run in interactive mode

​ -x output will be in the form of an xml plist where appropriate

​ -h print the complete help info, with command guide

Command Format:

​ Help - Prints this information

​ Exit - Exits the program, changes are not saved to the file

​ Save - Saves the current changes to the file

​ Revert - Reloads the last saved version of the file

​ Clear [<Type>] - Clears out all existing entries, and creates root of Type

​ Print [<Entry>] - Prints value of Entry. Otherwise, prints file

​ Set <Entry> <Value> - Sets the value at Entry to Value

​ Add <Entry> <Type> [<Value>] - Adds Entry to the plist, with value Value

​ Copy <EntrySrc> <EntryDst> - Copies the EntrySrc property to EntryDst

​ Delete <Entry> - Deletes Entry from the plist

​ Merge [\] - Adds the contents of file.plist to Entry

​ Import <Entry> <file> - Creates or sets Entry the contents of file

Entry Format:

​ Entries consist of property key names delimited by colons. Array items

​ are specified by a zero-based integer index. Examples:

​ :CFBundleShortVersionString

​ :CFBundleDocumentTypes:2:CFBundleTypeExtensions


​ string

​ array

​ dict

​ bool

​ real

​ integer

​ date

​ data


​ Set :CFBundleIdentifier

​ Sets the CFBundleIdentifier property to

​ Add :CFBundleGetInfoString string “App version 1.0.1”

​ Adds the CFBundleGetInfoString property to the plist

​ Add :CFBundleDocumentTypes: dict

​ Adds a new item of type dict to the CFBundleDocumentTypes array

​ Add :CFBundleDocumentTypes:0 dict

​ Adds the new item to the beginning of the array

​ Delete :CFBundleDocumentTypes:0 dict

​ Deletes the FIRST item in the array

​ Delete :CFBundleDocumentTypes

​ Deletes the ENTIRE CFBundleDocumentTypes array

上面是官方的文档, 下面我们来简要来说明下部分用法

假设是如下结构, 使用 swift 的字典表述法, 真实的数据是和 xml 结构类似

let info = [
        "Setting": [
            "resolution": "4K",
            "necessary": true,
        "VersionKey": "1.0",
        "FruitPackage": [
          	"weight": 10,
          	"items": [

How to get?

PlistBuddy -c "Print :FruitPackage:items:1" example.plist

# 结果是 banana

How to set?

PlistBuddy -c "Set :FruitPackage:weight 20" example.plist

# 将水果包装的重量设置为 20

How to delete?

PlistBuddy -c "Delete :FruitPackage:weight" example.plist

# 将水果包装的重量设置为 20




PlistBuddy -c "<Command> :<Key>:<Key or Subscript> <Value>" example.plist

替换掉 Command:

注意: [ ] 为可选参数, < > 为需要自行替换的内容

替换掉 Key or Subscript, 也就是上面命令里的 Entry:

Key 和 游标[数组的第几个元素] 用 : 分割开, 不带空格.

替换掉 Value:

这是一个可选项, 一些命令是没有的.

替换掉 Type:

Type Description
string 字符串
array 数组
dict 字典
bool 布尔值
real 有理数
integer 数字
date 时间
data 二进制数据